Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

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In Preparation
Sampson, K.. & Salgado, D. M. (In preparation). Effects of priming gender stereotypes on reports of alcohol use in college students. To be submitted to the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research.  *
Cruz, S. & Salgado, D. M. (In preparation). Student predictors of diversity interventions on campus. To be submitted  to the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research. *
Cruz, S. & Salgado, D. M. (In preparation). Student attitudes and perceptions of campus climate institutionally, in the classroom, and interpersonally by race/ethnicity. To be submitted to the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. *
Salgado, D. M. (In preparation). Effects of forgiveness on psychological resiliency among Latinas. To be submitted to Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology or Psychology of Women.
Salgado, D. M. & Quina, K. (In preparation). Experiences of victimization on recidivism rates among women in prison. To be submitted to Psychology of Women.
Salgado, D. M. & Stevenson, J. F. (In preparation). Effects of program involvement on women’s recidivism. To be submitted to Prison Journal. 
Under Review
Reimer, C. & Salgado, D. M. (Under review). Associations between masculinity and attitudes towards psychotherapy. Submitted to the Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. *
Salgado, D. M., White, A. W. & Quinlan, K. J. (Under review). Predicting attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions towards individuals who are homeless based on stereotypic representations and exposure. Submitted to Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ferszt, G. G., Salgado, D. M., Defedele, S., & Leveille, M. (2009). Houses of Healing: A group intervention for grieving women in prison. The Prison Journal, 89, 46-64.
Salgado, D. M., Quinlan, K. J., & Zlotnick, C. (2007). The relationship of lifetime polysubstance dependence to trauma exposure, symptomatology, and psychosocial functioning in incarcerated women with comorbid PTSD and substance use disorder. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 8, 9-26.
Florin, P., Celebucki, C., Stevenson, J., Mena, J., Salgado, D., White, A., Harvey, B., & Dougal, M. (2006). Cultivating systemic capacity: The Rhode Island Tobacco Control Enhancement Project. American Journal of Community Psychology, 38(3/4), 213-220.
Vogt, D. S., Bergeron, A., Salgado, D. M., Daley, J., Ouimette, P. Wolfe, J (2006).  Barriers to VHA Care in a Nationally Representative Sample of Women Veterans. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21, S19-S25.
Davison, E. H., Pless, A. P., Gugliucci, M. R., King, L. A., King, D. W., Salgado, D. M., Spiro, A., & Bachrach, P. A. (2006). Late life emergence of early life trauma: The phenomenon of Late-Onset Stress Symptomatology among aging combat veterans. Journal of Research on Aging, 28, 84-114.
Fitzpatrick, M. S., Salgado, D. M., Suvak, M. K., King, L. A., & King, D. W. (2004). Associations of gender and gender-role ideology with behavioral and attitudinal features of intimate partner aggression. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 5, 91-102.
King, L. A., King, D. W., Salgado, D. M., & Shalev, A. Y.  (2003). Contemporary longitudinal methods for the study of trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.  CNS Spectrum: The International Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine, 8, 686-692.
Salgado, D. M., Vogt, D.S., King, L. A. & King, D.W. (2002). Gender Awareness Inventory-VA: A measure of ideology, sensitivity, and knowledge related to women veterans’ health care. Sex Roles, 15, 241-256.
Vogt, D. S., Stone, E. R., Salgado, D. M., King, L. A., King, D. W., & Savarese, V. W. (2001). Gender Awareness among Veterans Administration Health-Care Workers. Women & Health, 34, 65-83.